5 Important Employee Onboarding Statistics That Every HR Manager Should Know

Employee Onboarding
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5 Important Employee Onboarding Statistics That Every HR Manager Should Know
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    Effective employee onboarding is imperative to an organization’s success. When the process is carried out excellently, the company will be more likely to experience increased engagement and retention, as well as decreased employee turnover.  

    While it may be assumed that employee onboarding is a critical component of every organization’s systems and processes, many companies neglect the process and leave the newcomers feeling lost and confused.

    This is why we have put together a list of 5 important employee onboarding statistics that will reinstate the significance of an effective process.

    💡 Tip: To hire the best employee onboarding software, just click here. All your training, onboarding, documentation and best practices in one place. A single source of truth for your team.– we’ve got it all covered.

    1.    Only an estimated 12% of employees state that their company implements a successful onboarding process.

    What this means, according to a survey carried out by Gallup, is that about 88% of employees do not believe that their companies carry out a successful onboarding process!

    Considering the importance of an effective process for increasing success in the workplace, HR managers should continuously seek to revise and improve the methods in place for onboarding new employees.

    And the lack of a successful onboarding process might be the reason why…


    2.    20% of employee turnover happens in the first 45 days.

    This statistic highlights the importance of the newcomer’s first impression of an organization. And, of course, these first impressions begin with the onboarding process. 

    Employee turnover is costly, and can be significantly reduced when an efficient process is put in place to welcome, integrate, and train new employees.

    In fact, this statistic is further backed by the next one:


    3.    Companies that have a structured employee onboarding process in place experience 58% greater retention of new hires.

     Perhaps this data is all that you need to be convinced that a good onboarding process is integral to an organization’s success, but we have a few more to share.

    While employee retention is important, it is also crucial to take note of how the onboarding process affects productivity…

    4.    It usually takes a new hire eight months to reach their full productivity.

    Why does it typically take this long? 

    The most reasonable explanation for this is that the new hire has not been taught and trained effectively. 

    You could prevent this by ensuring that your new hire has easy access to all of their training manuals and guides in a single, centralized platform during the onboarding process. 

    In fact, an effective process will lead to astonishing results for productivity, as shown here:


    5.    54% higher new employee productivity is experienced when a standard onboarding process is in place.

    This statistic really speaks for itself. We should all be paying more attention to the onboarding system that we have in place. Unless, for some reason, an increase in workplace productivity is not an important goal for an organization.


    Do Not Neglect the Onboarding Process

    As highlighted by the statistics above, implementing a structured new employee onboarding process is essential for an efficient workplace.

    Book a free demo with us to learn about how we can help improve the entire process for your organization.