Create a single source of knowledge for your entire organization. Employees can find the information they need faster and with fewer interruptions.
Create Your WaybookBreak complex processes, training materials and standard operating procedures into simple structured workflows.
Be confident your team have seen document updates. So when you improve a process you improve your entire organization.
Create Your WaybookMake engaging modern documents and processes with GIFs, images, videos, emojis, maps, quizzes & more.
Bespoke integrations enhance workflow efficiency, streamline processes, and ensure that all your tools work together harmoniously, leading to increased productivity and better utilization of resources.
Yes, public Waybook documents can be embeded as an iframe on other websites. Visitors to that website will not need a Waybook login to view that document.
Yes, enterprise plan holders can schedule regular check-ins with their dedicated account manager to discuss ongoing needs, receive updates, and optimize their use of Waybook.
Think of subjects as the teams and areas of operation within your business. Each subject contains multiple documents. These are the actual activities carried out by the different teams and people in your business. Steps are a breakdown of each activity in the sequence of what needs to be done and how.