Rehiring Policy

Policy Templates
If your company is looking to develop a new or revised rehiring policy, this template can help. It includes key elements to consider, such as: - The company's values - The types of positions that may be eligible for rehire - The process for applying for a position - The criteria for selection - The appeals process With this template, you can create a rehiring policy that is tailored to your company's needs and values.

Alternative Preview

Our rehiring policy defines rules for rehiring former employees. Sometimes, we may find it to be beneficial and cost-effective to hire employees we trust who left [your company] for various reasons.

This policy outlines the circumstances under which employees might be rehired and any relevant guidelines. This policy applies to former employees who left [ on a permanent basis and does not refer to any employee who's on medical, parental, or other types of long-term leave.

This policy will not prohibit any former employee from applying for a position. But, it’ll outline in which cases it can consider this employee for rehire.

To be considered for rehire, former employees should have left the company for one of the following reasons:

  • Voluntary resignation

  • Company lay-offs

  • Expired contract

  • Termination for reasons other than illegal or unethical behavior

These employees can apply for a position with the company after a minimum period of [4 months]. This excludes employees whose contracts expired. They can ask for a contract renewal immediately and we may consider them.

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