Virtual Assistant SOPs: How to make the most when outsourcing freelancers

Processes & SOP's
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Virtual Assistant SOPs: How to make the most when outsourcing freelancers
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Published by
Mike Bandar
Create Your Waybook
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    Fostering the growth of your business is an exhilarating journey. The sweat and toil invested in your enterprise have yielded results, and now it's time to delve into the next phases of your overarching strategy.

    However, with business expansion comes an increased workload. While your aspirations may be grand, the day-to-day operational demands often require your attention, pulling you away from your strategic pursuits. How often have you reached the end of a taxing week only to realize that your grand plans have taken a backseat to mundane tasks such as order processing and firefighting?

    Employing additional team members isn't always the solution. An ill-timed hiring decision can impede your growth rather than catalyzing it. Allocating revenue to payroll diminishes the capital available for other growth-oriented endeavors, and finding a versatile, all-encompassing employee is no small feat.

    Enter the virtual assistant – a brilliant solution to these dilemmas. Virtual assistants are adept at picking up the slack without depleting your budget.

    But what exactly is a virtual assistant, and why should you consider hiring one? What are the costs involved, and what tasks can a virtual assistant tackle for your business? This article will explore these questions and more, providing you with insights into this versatile resource that can be the cornerstone of your business's evolution.

    What is a Virtual Assistant?

    A virtual assistant (VA) is an off-site contractor equipped to handle a wide array of tasks for your business. From typical office duties to specialized skills like content writing and customer service, VAs are a flexible solution for bridging operational gaps without the need for full-time employees. They are often independent contractors, relieving you of the obligations that come with traditional employment, such as tax withholding, equipment provision, and HR management. This flexibility allows you to hire them as needed, be it hourly or for specific projects, aligning with your business's fluctuating demands.

    Why Consider Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

    As your business expands, the value of your time becomes increasingly paramount. There are only 24 hours in a day, and it's essential to use them judiciously, focusing on tasks that only you can undertake. Delegating the rest to a virtual assistant can optimize your productivity.

    Hiring a VA is an attractive option if:

    • You need extra support but can't afford a full-time hire at this stage.
    • Specific tasks require attention, but the workload doesn't justify a full-time employee.
    • Your top priorities are suffering due to time constraints.
    • The volume of your daily tasks is overwhelming.
    • Local candidates lack the essential skills your business needs.
    • You require an administrative assistant but lack office space for them.

    A virtual assistant can be a temporary or long-term solution, depending on the nature of your requirements. Some companies even opt for multiple VAs to handle various aspects of their operations, such as organization and social media management. The benefits are evident:

    • Cost Savings: VAs typically operate as independent contractors, sparing you the expenses of payroll taxes and benefits. Hiring overseas VAs can also reduce costs compared to their US-based counterparts.
    • Access to a Wider Talent Pool: Virtual hiring opens the door to a diverse array of talents, unrestricted by geographical boundaries.
    • Preventing Burnout: Overloading yourself with work can lead to burnout and adverse health effects. Virtual assistants alleviate your workload, reducing stress and promoting a sustainable work-life balance.
    • Savings on Office Space: Hiring a virtual assistant eliminates the need for physical office space. If you do have an office, it reduces supply costs.
    • Addressing Skill Gaps: No one can excel in every aspect of business. Virtual assistants can bring specialized skills that you might lack, delivering better results in less time.
    • Focus on Business Growth: Entrepreneurs often become mired in day-to-day operations, neglecting strategic growth. A VA can handle routine tasks, allowing you to concentrate on expanding your business.
    • More Personal Time: While business growth is crucial, it shouldn't come at the expense of your health or personal relationships. Virtual assistants reduce your workload, affording you more time for family, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
    • Around-the-Clock Availability: International VAs ensure your business continues to operate even when you sleep, working during holidays to address customer issues or emergencies.

    How Much Does Hiring a Virtual Assistant Cost?

    The cost of hiring a virtual assistant can vary significantly, contingent on factors like the type of work, the VA's experience level, their location, and the duration of your collaboration. Specialized skills and experience naturally command higher rates, and some VAs prefer monthly retainers, which include a set amount of time and task limitations.

    However, whether you opt for monthly or hourly payments, the overall cost remains proportional to the work involved. Here's what to expect:

    • Type of Work: The cost of a virtual assistant hinges on the tasks you delegate. For basic responsibilities like email management and basic customer support, you might spend between $5 to $25 per hour. More specialized tasks, such as crafting a marketing strategy, can cost upwards of $50 per hour.
    • Experience Level: More experienced VAs charge higher rates due to their proficiency and efficiency. Their higher cost is often justified by the quality and quantity of work they produce.
    • Location: VAs residing in costlier regions typically charge more than those from places with a lower cost of living, such as the Philippines or India. It's vital to consider time zones, cultural differences, and language barriers when hiring a VA from another country, particularly for tasks involving communication or content creation.
    • Duration of the Assignment: Longer-term commitments often result in slightly reduced rates, while short-term, specialized tasks might command a premium.

    Tasks Handled by Virtual Assistants

    Virtual assistants are versatile professionals capable of handling a wide array of tasks that your business might require. They excel in functions that are integral to your operations but necessitate minimal or no strategic planning. While they may not design your entire marketing strategy, they can effectively monitor the performance of your Google ads. Before hiring a VA, it's crucial to delineate their responsibilities in a written agreement. Here are some tasks that virtual assistants can efficiently manage:

    • Office Management: From ordering office supplies to printing shipping labels, VAs can competently handle mundane yet necessary tasks.
    • Bookkeeping: VAs can't replace accountants, but they can streamline financial management by reconciling bank transactions, tracking expenses, and creating budget reports. They can also generate and send invoices and follow up on outstanding payments.
    • Content Writing: Content creation is integral to any business, but it's often time-consuming. VAs can be tasked with crafting product descriptions, press releases, and other written content. High-quality writing may come at a premium, but it's worth it for exceptional results.
    • Data Entry: Data entry is a straightforward yet tedious task. Your VA can efficiently collect, organize, and input data into relevant software. For sensitive customer data, ensure there are robust security protocols in place.
    • Hiring Support: Finding new employees is a time-consuming endeavor. While some businesses collaborate with recruiters for a comprehensive approach, a VA can be an ideal solution for those who want to be involved in the hiring process while minimizing time commitments. Your VA can handle administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on selecting the most suitable candidates.
    • Scheduling Appointments: Scheduling can be a time-consuming process. Instead of inquiring about availability, let your virtual assistant manage your calendar, saving you valuable time.
    • Creating Presentations: Compiling data, designing slides, and adding speaker notes for presentations can be delegated to your assistant. Provide a clear outline of your requirements, allowing them to deliver a polished presentation efficiently.
    • Research: Delegating research tasks, whether about prospects, competitors, industry news, or other subjects, can save you valuable time. Your virtual assistant can filter out irrelevant information and present you with the crucial details you need.
    • Travel Planning: If you frequently engage in business travel, your assistant can handle the tedious tasks of booking trips, coordinating logistics, and even researching dining options in unfamiliar locations.
    • Now that you have a better understanding of the tasks a virtual assistant can tackle, the next step is finding the right one for your business. Let's explore where and how to locate a skilled virtual assistant, and what to look for when hiring one.
    • Where to Find a Virtual AssistantLocating a suitable virtual assistant can be a straightforward process if you know where to look. While it's easy to find a good virtual assistant, it's also easy to encounter less qualified candidates. Here are some reliable places to start your search:
    • Referrals: Begin by seeking recommendations from your professional network. Many of your peers may already have virtual assistants they highly recommend, making this a valuable source of referrals.
    • Freelance Marketplaces: Platforms like Upwork and connect employers with freelancers for contract work. These reputable marketplaces uphold strict standards, ensuring that you encounter qualified candidates. Additionally, Hubstaff Talent is an excellent database of remote talent, offering a diverse selection of virtual assistants and other remote professionals. You can filter listings based on location, skills, and hourly rates, facilitating your search for the right candidate.
    • Virtual Assistant Agencies: Agencies like Delegated and Boldly provide a convenient and reliable alternative to hiring an individual virtual assistant. By partnering with an agency, you gain access to a team of virtual assistants, each with their unique set of skills and expertise. This arrangement allows you to delegate a wide variety of tasks. However, it's worth noting that working with an agency may come at a higher cost compared to hiring an independent freelancer.
    • Job Boards and Job Search Engines: Posting a job listing on career websites like Indeed or can expose your position to a vast pool of job seekers, including virtual assistants. These platforms attract millions of applicants, but be prepared for a significant volume of applications. To ensure that you attract the right candidates, it's crucial to clearly state your expectations regarding hours, working arrangements, and job requirements in your job posting.

    Skills to Look for When Hiring a Virtual Assistant

    With a plethora of virtual assistants to choose from, distinguishing the ideal candidate for your business can be a challenge. As most virtual assistants work on a freelance or contract basis, they often showcase unique skills or certifications that set them apart. When seeking the best fit for your needs, consider these essential qualities in potential candidates:

    • Communication Skills: Given the remote nature of the work, effective written communication is crucial. Look for candidates who can articulate their thoughts clearly and are not hesitant to seek clarification when needed.
    • Industry Experience: An assistant with experience in your industry will require less training, leading to a quicker onboarding process and higher-quality work. This is also pertinent to specialized tasks; for instance, if you need assistance in crafting product descriptions, opt for a VA with relevant experience in that domain.
    • References: Request references from each candidate and follow up by contacting their provided references. If you're hiring through an agency or freelance marketplace, you can often find references on their information pages, allowing you to gauge their track record from other business owners' feedback.
    • Responsiveness: Regardless of time zone differences, a virtual assistant should respond promptly to your messages. Waiting several business days for a response should be the exception rather than the rule. Most virtual assistants, especially those overseas, adapt their work hours to align with their US-based clients, ensuring timely communication.
    • Ability to Handle Feedback: A willingness to receive and act on feedback is a sign of a proactive learner. Candidates who appreciate feedback are likely to enhance their skills and deliver more value to your business. Constructive comments, provided with good communication practices, can help them improve their performance.
    • Attention to Detail: A detail-oriented virtual assistant will diligently spot and rectify mistakes, such as spelling errors in emails or duplicate transactions in your bookkeeping software. Their attention to detail reduces errors and enhances overall efficiency.
    • Efficiency: Efficient work is crucial, especially if you're paying by the hour or have a monthly contract. Experience often correlates with efficiency, and a higher rate may be justified if a virtual assistant consistently delivers more work in the same amount of time.
    • Resourcefulness and Proactiveness: While you may not expect your VA to be a jack-of-all-trades, they should display resourcefulness and an aptitude for learning on the job. An ideal VA should be capable of problem-solving and taking initiative when needed, while also referring to documented processes when necessary.
    • Ability to Work Well Under Pressure: Business plans don't always unfold as expected. In high-pressure situations with tight deadlines, your assistant should be able to deliver without compromising quality.
    • Time Management Skills: Effective prioritization and task management are essential for meeting deadlines and maintaining productivity. Your virtual assistant should demonstrate the ability to manage tasks and priorities efficiently without missing due dates.

    How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

    The hiring process for a virtual assistant can be flexible, with options for contracting or part-time employment. In most cases, hiring a VA on a contract or freelance basis is the most practical choice, allowing you to assign work as needed. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it right:

    • Document the Tasks and Processes to Outsource: Begin by creating a comprehensive list of the tasks and processes you intend to delegate. Documenting these processes is crucial for effective delegation and can also serve as valuable guides for training new employees or maintaining consistency within your existing team.
    • Create a Virtual Assistant Job Posting: Craft a job posting that provides essential information, including a company overview, position summary, job requirements, pay range, and any other relevant details. Clear and detailed job postings attract qualified candidates while filtering out those who are not a good fit.
    • Review Applications: Evaluate applications carefully, looking for attention to detail and thoroughness. Applicants with industry-specific experience should be given special consideration. It's essential to narrow down the pool of candidates to a shortlist of promising candidates for interviews.
    • Schedule Interviews: Conduct interviews with candidates, preferably via video or phone calls. Prepare by reviewing each candidate's resume in advance and have a list of standardized questions to ask. Be sure to allow candidates to ask their own questions to assess if they are the right fit for your working style.
    • Test Top Candidates with a Trial Project: If your virtual assistant role involves advanced skills, consider assigning a trial project that mirrors real work. This helps assess their skills and how they handle deadlines. Ensure you pay fairly for their time and effort, even if the project is hypothetical.
    • Offer Your Contractor Agreement: Share your contract terms or use the terms provided by your virtual assistant, ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of expectations and responsibilities. Define what success looks like and communicate regularly during the initial 90 days to foster a successful working relationship.
    • Build a Relationship with Your New Virtual Assistant: Finally, invest in building a strong working relationship with your virtual assistant. Maintain open communication, involve them in relevant meetings, and respect their expertise to enhance productivity and mutual respect.

    You've Hired Your VA. Here's How to Manage Them

    Managing a virtual assistant (VA) requires effective communication, training, and the right tools. Since your VA is not a full-time team member, it's essential to foster a strong connection and provide them with the necessary resources to succeed. Here's how to manage your VA effectively:

    1. Train Effectively: Proper training is crucial for your VA's success. Invest time and effort into training, rather than overwhelming them with tasks. To make training more efficient, use process documents that you've created, as mentioned earlier. These documents should be organized in a shared folder for easy access. Consider creating recorded training videos, where you explain tasks and processes step by step. This approach allows your VA to learn at their own pace and reference the materials when needed.

    2. Equip Your VA with the Right Tools: Provide your VA with the necessary virtual assistant software and tools to maximize their effectiveness. Some tools to consider include:

    • Waybook: Use this tool to create checklists and standard operating procedures for your VA, ensuring tasks are completed consistently and with fewer errors.
    • Hopper HQ: If your VA manages your social media, Hopper HQ is a valuable tool for planning and scheduling content across multiple social media platforms.
    • Calendly: For efficient scheduling, especially for meetings with external parties, Calendly helps manage appointments, set time buffers, and daily meeting limits.
    • Slack: This communication tool is excellent for back-and-forth conversations and collaboration. It allows you to securely add your VA to your workspace and remove them if needed.

    3. Communicate Regularly: Maintain regular communication with your VA, especially during their initial weeks. Start by checking in on them daily to address any questions or issues they may have. As they become more familiar with your work, you can reduce the frequency of check-ins to once or twice a week. Being visible and accessible helps you receive the attention you need, as your VA may have other clients to manage.

    4. Track VA Hours and Projects: Use tools like Hubstaff for tracking your VA's hours and project management. Hubstaff allows you to:

    • Track time: Understand how your VA spends their time on tasks.
    • Measure productivity: Analyze your VA's productivity and optimize your workflow.
    • Manage payroll: Integrations with payment processors facilitate easy payments.

    This tool is particularly helpful for ensuring that your VA is delivering the work you're paying for and identifying bottlenecks.

    How to Pay Your Virtual Assistant

    There are several payment methods available for paying your VA. The choice of payment method may depend on your VA's location and their preferred payment options. Here are some popular payment options to consider:

    1. PayPal: PayPal is a widely used payment processor with global reach. While it offers ease of use and buyer protection, it does come with relatively high transaction fees, which some VAs might find challenging.

    2. Payoneer: Payoneer is a popular choice among freelancers and contractors due to its support for over 200 countries and multiple currencies. It typically offers lower fees than PayPal, but it has a requirement for businesses to make a minimum monthly payroll payment, which may not suit startups or smaller businesses.

    3. Wise (formerly TransferWise): Wise is known for its low transaction fees and ease of use. However, it's available in a more limited number of countries compared to other payment processors. Ensure that your VA's location is supported before choosing this option.

    Next Steps

    Ready to hire a virtual assistant (VA)? Here's what you should do right now to make the process as smooth as possible:

    1. Determine Your Needs: First, clearly define the tasks and responsibilities you need your VA to handle. This could include data entry, order processing, content writing, or any other specific tasks that are crucial for your business. Make a comprehensive list of these tasks to ensure your VA understands their role.

    2. Start Documenting Your Processes: Once you have a list of tasks, select the two or three most critical ones for your business. Create detailed process documents that outline every step required to complete these tasks. With Waybook AI Playbook Writer, you can quickly create a structured, thorough and accurate playbook to train and delegate tasks to your VAs. You can start a free trial today or jump on a call with one of our consultants to learn more.

    3. Bookmark This Post: Managing a virtual assistant involves various aspects, and it's essential to have resources and guidance at your fingertips. Bookmark this post so that you can refer back to it whenever you need insights, tips, or reminders about working effectively with a virtual assistant.

    If you found this information helpful, we have more resources on how you can effectively work with virtual assistants and optimize your business operations: