Unlimited Documents

Store and manage an infinite number of Documents, ensuring that all critical knowledge and processes are captured and accessible.

All plans support unlimited documents
Organize into unlimited subjects, categories and learning paths
Unlimited Documents

Waybook empowers your team to create, store, and manage as many Documents as needed without restrictions. This ensures that all essential information is easily accessible, comprehensive, and up-to-date, facilitating better knowledge sharing, enhanced collaboration, and improved organizational efficiency.

By having unlimited storage capacity, you can document every process, procedure, and policy in detail, supporting continuous learning and growth within your organization.


How can I import existing documents into Waybook?

Waybook offers various import options, including direct uploads and integrations with other tools, making it easy to migrate your existing documents into Waybook's unlimited storage.

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How do I manage document versions with unlimited documents?

Waybook's version control system allows you to track changes and manage document versions easily. You can revert to previous versions if needed, ensuring that your documentation remains accurate and up-to-date.

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Can I organize my unlimited documents efficiently?

Yes, Waybook allows you to organize your documents into categories and offers powerful search functionalities to help you efficiently organize and manage your documents, making it easy to find and access information when needed.

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Can I import documents from other platforms?

Yes, Waybook supports importing from Microsoft Word and Google Drive, as well as any other service that exports documents as .docx.

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