6 Ways Technology Can Enhance Employee Training

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6 Ways Technology Can Enhance Employee Training
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Published by
Mike Bandar
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    Technology has become the need of today's fast-paced business world. It has made remote training possible while offering pleasant learning experiences to employees in the workplace. Human efforts can be minimized with the right technology while taking employees' engagement to the next level.

    Technology is a way to give employees some free time in their busy schedules. This helps them become more focused on their jobs, become more creative, and think out of the box.

    There are several ways emerging technologies can help improve and streamline employee training of all types. Upskilling and development continue whether your employees work in a remote setting or in-house. Innovative technologies have enabled organizations to offer better training programs to their workforce. 

    Need for Employee Training Technology

    Technological advancements have entirely transformed corporate training and development capabilities. Traditional training methods are tedious, exhausting, and unattractive. Therefore, most employees fail to retain the new information and lose any skills learned during the training.

    Research conducted in 2011 by the Association for Training and Development showed that American businesses spent a heavy amount on employee training and development but failed to get the expected results. The information retention rate was only 10%, whereas 90% of the skills gained were lost with traditional training methods.

    Thus, technology helps resolve many challenges encountered during employee training and development. It refines your workforce development processes and enables you to offer a memorable and engaging training experience. It makes training techniques efficient and productive without wasting efforts and resources. According to a recent survey, higher engagement boosts profitability by 21 percent

    How Training Technology Can Improve Employee Training? 

    The role of technology begins with the company's hiring process and continues with the staff onboarding and training. It enables organizations to design an ongoing education program for their workforce. Let's discover how technology has evolved employee methods and ensures consistent development of employees in an organization:

    Technology Facilitates Skills and Need Assessment of Employees

    The first step when studying the technology's need in employee training is assessing employees' skills and knowledge. Technology helps you understand the effectiveness of your training program. It enables you to track employee knowledge before and at the end of the process.

    Technology also allows you to analyze how well-crafted the training strategy is. For instance, you can study trends and evaluation reports to examine if your training program needs improvement. 

    Additionally, you can take complex assessments with complex technology. This helps capture an exact picture of an employee's goals, weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for growth.

    Technology Facilitates Skills and Need Assessment of Employees

    Personalized Training Yields Better Outcomes

    Personalized training is a form of training that offers relevant and customized learning experiences to employees. You align employees with business goals through customized training and development and upskill them more efficiently than generic training.

    Personalized training offers employees a custom approach that coincides with their interests, strengths, readiness levels, and existing proficiency level. It also caters to the future needs of employees.

    Moreover, personalized learning enables them to own and control their learning process. This way, they feel more engaged and interested in using learning resources effectively.

    You can enhance the effect of personalized training on employees tremendously by:

    • Incorporating digital tools like mobile learning. This leads the employees to continue learning according to their comfortability and at their pace.
    • Opting for engaging formats like promoting video-based learning
    • Using infographics, reference guides, cheat sheets, and case studies.

    AI Boosts Employee Training Experience

    AI is an innovative solution to your ineffective and homogenized training sessions. AI improves employees' learning capability, helps them retain more, and enhances their soft skills. Other ways in which AI boosts employee training experience include:

    • It makes instructional courses highly adaptable. For instance, it helps interpret video instructional lessons into stories for the learners.
    • In online training, completion rates are often relatively low. As per Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), in 2017-2018, less than 4% of learners completed courses. AI and machine learning offer relevant training material in learning formats widely accepted by employees (like text, audio, video, etc.). This keeps their interests alive and enables them to digest the information effectively, thus boosting the course completion rate.
    • AI enhances training accessibility. AI easily adapts to the learner's impairment through advanced features and helps him catch up with other learners to upgrade skills. For instance, AI allows YouTube to create and display captions and automate text translations to different foreign languages.

    AI Boosts Employee Training Experience

    Technology Offers Immediate Response System

    Technology plays a vital role in providing immediate feedback to the trainers. For instance, by applying pattern recognition technology, you get direct feedback from employees' co-workers.

    You require the employees' data, their work processes, and habits. Apart from this, innovative technological devices allow trainers to give instant answers to learners' questions. This immediate response system promotes an interactive learning environment. Additionally, this helps in

    • A quick analysis of problems
    • Real-time detection of improvement areas
    • A better understanding of training content

    Interactive Conferencing Systems Ensures Results

    Technology has enabled organizations with employees working across multiple locations worldwide to conduct interactive remote training sessions. With interactive conferencing systems, you can save substantial training costs and train a large number of employees in a shorter period. 

    Modern teleconferencing also includes cloud technology. This enables you to share screens and multiple files with a limited group of people. In this regard, two powerful platforms that are being used widely for interactive training sessions are:

    • Video conferencing platforms like Skype and GoToMeeting
    • Learning management systems (LMS) are designed mainly for developing, deploying, and tracking the progress of training programs.

    Tech Facilitates Experiential Learning

    Experiential learning is a type of hands-on training that aids employees in grasping the information by performing the task directly. Experiential learning eliminates time-consuming and expensive training sessions. It promotes employees to learn from their experiences gained from working daily. 

    Technological advancements have facilitated experiential learning enormously. You can keep track of employees' activities completed at the workplace through different apps and programs.

    The data collected is then analyzed through machine learning. You can make further improvements in the content creation after analyzing the individual learner's requirements.

    Future of Employee Growth and Training under Technology

    Today advanced technologies offer you highly personalized training techniques that are according to the learners' needs and capabilities.

    Technology is the critical element that provides excellent ways of enhancing overall employee training experiences remotely and at the workplace. These include artificial intelligence, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), simulations, and gamification apps and programs. 

    All of these have simplified the employee upskilling processes without a physical trainer. Technology creates more growth and development opportunities for the employees where learning processes have become super simple.


    It is undeniable that technological advancements have wholly revolutionized employee training and development techniques. Over time, technology will continue to evolve and the training and development methods. 

    Thus, in this competitive environment, only those businesses will survive using these technologies and shun outdated training methods. In this regard, a platform that makes employee onboarding and training methods efficient and smooth is WayBook

    This platform enables you to make complex training processes and procedures easy to understand. WayBook allows you to track the employees' progress before and after the training. It also helps you design engaging training content and test learners' knowledge through assessments and quizzes.


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