Custom Branding

Transform Waybook into a reflection of your organization by adding your brand colors and logo, boosting engagement and creating a familiar environment for your team.

Add your brand logo
Add custom brand colors
Support for your own domain
Set a welcome message for your team
Custom Branding

Custom branding in Waybook allows you to personalize your team's experience and reinforce your organization's identity. By adding your brand logo, setting brand colors, and including a custom welcome message on your team's dashboard, you create a cohesive and professional environment that aligns with your brand's image. This not only enhances brand recognition but also fosters a sense of belonging and ownership among your team members.

With custom branding in Waybook, you can create a visually appealing and engaging platform that reflects your organization's unique identity and values.


Can I change the custom branding settings at any time?

Yes, you can update your custom branding settings in Waybook at any time. Whether you need to refresh your logo, adjust your brand colors, or update your welcome message, you have full flexibility to make changes as needed.

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What is a custom welcome message, and how can I use it in Waybook?

A custom welcome message is a personalized greeting that appears on your team's dashboard when they log in to Waybook. You can use it to welcome new team members, provide important updates, or communicate your organization's values and goals.

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Can we create a custom domain too?

Yes, it is possible to create a custom domain for your Waybook on our Pro plan.

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