Waybook vs. Notion

Bid farewell to Notion's limitations and embrace knowledge management revolution with Waybook's superior design, collaboration, integration and security.
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Waybook vs. Notion
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How does Waybook compare to Notion?

Has easy to follow structure
Use AI to Generate New Documents
Mobile App
Integrate with MS Teams and Slack
Track completed documents
Overview of who has access to documents

What makes Waybook's structure better?

Waybook has a strong and clear structure of documentation across subjects, documents, and steps. This maintains consistency as your information grows and removes the trouble of having multiple versions of different files, owned by different people and hidden in different places. We can also create your structure with AI if you need help getting started. 

Waybook enables you to create highly engaging rich content within digestible steps. The ability to transfer knowledge using individual steps within Waybook is far greater than a series of notes or items scattered across Notion and it can also be a lot more fun to read.

Does Waybook support compliance?

Yes, Waybook includes compliance features to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements. We show you who last made a change and support the tracking of updated to documents. We even can support with the ongoing verification of documents. Notion may lack specialized compliance-focused tools, making Waybook a better choice for compliance-driven organizations.

Can you create custom reports?

Waybook offers robust custom reporting tools, allowing users to tailor reports to their specific needs. Unlike Notion, Waybook's reporting features are designed to provide highly customizable insights. If you do not see a report that you want our team can help you generate exactly what you need.

Tracking the progress of readers using Waybook reports means managers can easily see where their team are in consuming and understanding their content, rather than just hoping they read the content in a document.

Can Waybook support onboarding?

​One of the core benefits of Waybook over notion however is that it's specifically designed for business documentation, training and onboarding with a core focus on keeping your business on the same page. In contrast, Notion leans more towards project and task management, catering to a broader range of needs. Ultimately Waybook enables you to onboard people much faster and with more consistency.

For example, Readers can easily 'Mark as complete' as they consume content. This gives them some light gamification so readers often feel at ease and in flow when consuming your company information. Read and complete status also means that readers can easily pick up where they left off as Waybook always tracks their completion status and shows this to them on their login.

How can you notify the team of an update?

With Waybook, we ensure that your team are only notified when they need to be. When adding and editing content Waybook will easily notify all relevant members that information has changed and needs to be re-reviewed. This is game-changing at keeping everyone on the same page. With Notion it is easy to send out too many notifications and overwhelm your team. With Waybook we make it easy to ensure that the team are only notified about what matters.

Waybook Feature Highlights

Waybook is packed with useful features & supported by a world class team.
GDPR Compliant
Single Sign On (SSO)

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3,000 companies and 60,000 people onboard, train and grow faster with Waybook

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4.9 out of 5
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