Waybook vs. Trainual

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Waybook vs. Trainual
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How does Waybook compare to Trainual?

Support with onboarding new staff
Has easy to follow structure
Use AI to Generate New Documents
Able to share content publicly
Provide access to tracking in base level plan
Comments for collaboration
Integrate with MS Teams and Slack
Migration and consulting support

Can Waybook help us to streamline employee onboarding?

Waybook allows you to streamline your new employee onboarding in a number of ways. With our Flows feature and progress tracking, you can ensure that your new team members are onboarded efficiently. Flows allows you to direct your team members through your content by creating specific pathways for onboarding, learning, and more using your documents.

Your team's progress through assigned flows can be tracked using reports, so you can make sure new team members are up to speed before they execute a new process.

If you're getting ready to expand your team and don't know where to begin with onboarding, our process consultants are on hand to work with you to build this directly within your Waybook account.

Can we build our Waybook as a team?

At Waybook, we really do believe in the power of teamwork and believe an exceptional knowledge base cannot be built without the support of your teammates. That's why we have worked so hard on ensuring collaboration within your Waybook is seamless.

From your user-friendly members pages, you can set your team's access and permissions based on specific subjects and documents, allowing you to ensure everyone who should be able to can contribute to your business' knowledge base. With our comments feature, you can feedback on specific documents and steps, even mentioning team members to delegate changes, to ensure documents truly reflect your business and its processes.

Is it easy for our team to find answers within Waybook?

Like Trainual, Waybook offers AI-assisted search. With Ask, your team can use our AI-powered chatbot to find answers to their questions within your Waybook. All search results will also return links to the source content within your knowledge base, so your team can find out more information as required.

With Search Insights, you can also view the questions your team asks most commonly and filter out any questions that return poor or no results. This means your team can continue adding to your Waybook and ensuring your knoweldge base is as complete as possible.

Can Waybook help us to create SOPs?

Like Trainual, at Waybook your team can access our growing library of ready-made templates that can be easily edited to reflect your own organization's processes. It is also easy to create internal templates for your team to use within Waybook, allowing you to standardise documentation based on your business' unique needs.

At Waybook, you can also connect with our experienced process experts and outsource the building of your business' playbook. Our process consultants will work with you and your team to capture existing knowledge and use it to build a complete Waybook, ready for you to onboard your team.

Is Waybook's content structure easy to navigate?

At Waybook, we have worked hard to ensure your documents are easy to find and your content structure is simple to navigate. Unlike Trainual, nothing is hidden when you are consuming content, meaning it's easy to jump into another subject or document wherever you are within your content dashboard.

Whether you're a reader consuming content or a team member contributing to your business' knowledge base, you will always have an overview of your Waybook's content to hand.

Waybook Feature Highlights

Waybook is packed with useful features & supported by a world class team.
GDPR Compliant
Single Sign On (SSO)

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3,000 companies and 60,000 people onboard, train and grow faster with Waybook

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4.9 out of 5
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